Expert in Arbitration, Corporate, Contractual, Administrative, Intellectual Property and Antitrust law, with more than 30 years of experience in advising and consulting on negotiations, transactions and merger and acquisitions. He participates as an arbitrator in commercial and public matters and nowadays is currently part of the rosters of arbitrators of the National and International Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, the Conflict Analysis and Resolution Center of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru and the Arbitration Center of American Chamber of Commerce.
Professional and Academic Activities
- DS Casahierro Abogados – Partner (2019 – to date)
- Arbitrator at the National and International Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce.
- Arbitrator at the Conflict Analysis and Resolution Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- Arbitrator at the Arbitration Center of American Chamber of Commerce.
- Member of the Instituto Peruano de Derecho Mercantil.
- Columnist at the legal blog Agnitio, by Advocatus, a magazine edited by students of the Faculty of Law of Universidad de Lima.
- Former partner at Estudio Sparrow, Hundskopf, Villanueva & Asociados, Abogados (1998 - 2018).
- Former Director at Lima Caucho S.A.
- Member of the defendants Team (Republic of Peru) at CIADI International Arbitration Case “Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru (ICSID Case Nº UNCT/18/2).
- Advisor of SERCENCO S.A. in the sale of the Shopping Center "Plaza Jesús María".
- Exhibitor on behalf of Universidad de Lima, at the First Latin American Meeting of Universities on Antitrust Law, held in Bogotá, Colombia (October 2005).
- Exhibitor of Arbitration, Corporate Law and Corporate Governments at Ministerio de Justicia del Peru, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Universidad de Lima, and Universidad Inca Garcilaso De la Vega.
- Former Member of the Justice Commission of Federación Peruana de Fútbol.
- Former Member of the Justice Commission of Asociación Deportiva de Futbol Profesional (ADFP).
- "Fusión de Sociedades". Article published in the collective work “La Ley General de Sociedades, estudios y comentarios a veinte años de su vigencia” by Gaceta Jurídica.
- "¿Es posible resolver un convenio de accionistas de duración indeterminada?” Article published in the collective work "Estudios de derecho societario en homenaje al doctor Oswaldo Hundskopf Exebio" by Gaceta Jurídica.
- "La doctrina del levantamiento del velo societario y su aplicación en el Perú". Article published in Advocatus N° 22.
- "El contrato de licencia de marca". Article published in the collective work "Tratado de Derecho Mercantil. Tomo III" by Gaceta Jurídica.
- "La emisión de obligaciones en el mercado de valores". Article published in the collective work "Tratado de Derecho Mercantil. Tomo II" by Gaceta Jurídica.
- "Las prestaciones accesorias". Article published in the collective work "Tratado de Derecho Mercantil. Tomo I" by Gaceta Jurídica.
- Lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- Master in Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- Diploma Course in Arbitration and Investments at Universidad del Pacífico.
Spanish, English and French.