Lawyer and member of Compliance Peruvian institute. During her career path, she has advised many companies and their managers, taking part in development of defense strategies in criminal litigation. In addition, she ranked first in Oral Criminal Litigation Contest organized by the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative ABA ROLI (2016). She has also carried out academic research on Issues of Economic Criminal Law, Criminal Responsibility of Legal Persons and Compliance.
Her professional practice focuses on the implementation of Compliance and Risk Management Programs for crime prevention within corporate organizations, with an emphasis on public and private corruption, money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Degree Thesis: “Criminal compliance as a way to prevent business crimes and regulate the criminal responsibility of legal person in Peru – 2019
Studies in the Master’s Degree in Criminal Compliance at Castilla – La Mancha University (2021 – present)
Studies in the Master of Constitutional Law and Jurisdictional Protection at San Agustin University – Arequipa (2020 – present)
Lawyer from the Faculty of Law – Catholic Santa Maria University (2021)
Specialist in Public Procurement – Continental University (2018)
Spanish and English