Marco Alfredo Monti is a lawyer who has worked in a prestigious Peruvian financial institution for more than 5 years, being in charge - among other issues - loan operations, trusts, guarantees, letters of guarantee, factoring agreements, discount contracts, securities values, etc. In addition, he has served as adjunct to teaching in the Banking Law, Securities Law and Contract Law departments at the National University of San Marcos.
His practice is developed in banking, civil, corporate and financial law.
- Deputy professor of Banking Law and Securities Law courses at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the National University of San Marcos, during the year 2016.
- Teaching Assistant for the Contract Law course - Special Part in the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the National University of San Marcos, during the academic years of 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- Co-author of the article "And the reverse mortgage arrived", published in the journal Gaceta Civil (Legal Gazette), May issue of 2018.
- Author of the article "Compensate or not compensate ?: The financial leasing and damages caused by a motor vehicle subject to leasing"; published in the journal Gaceta Civil (Gaceta Jurídica), April edition of 2018.
- Co-author of the article "Straightening the reverse mortgage", published in the Gaceta Civil magazine (Legal Gazette), January edition of 2018.
- Co-author of the article "The right to free choice of the order of surnames", published in the journal Gaceta Civil (Gaceta Jurídica), August 2017 edition.
- Co-author of the book "Right of Obligations: Modalities, effects and non-execution"; work published by the University of Applied Sciences and under the coordination of Dr. Alfredo Soria Aguilar; September 2016 edition.
- Co-author of the article "The effects of the death of the guarantor: About the benefit of guarantee and the interest of the creditor", published in the Legal News magazine (Legal Gazette), September 2014 edition.
Lawyer for the National University of San Marcos.
Spanish and English.