Jessica Ortiz specializes in Intellectual Property and Competition, with more than 10 years of experience in the administration of trademark portfolio, anti-piracy actions, copyright and related rights, inventions and new technologies before administrative authorities, INDECOPI, as well as judicial.
The area of Intellectual Property and Competition, which he manages, is recognized by international magazines such as Chambers & Partners and Leaders League, who recognize it as a leading area in the sector.
She also has experience in the area of Sanitary Regulation before processes with the different sanitary authorities: DIGESA, DIGEMID, SENASA and SANIPES.
- Senior Associate of the Intellectual Property area of Duany, Matto & Carrasco Abogados
- Participated in the pilot plan carried out by the Indecopi Copyright and Trademark Office to implement the application of Border Measures in Peru. Pilot that allowed to create the figure of the seer of Indecopi (Border Measures) in the fight against Piracy.
- Manage anti-piracy programs for international clients in the entertainment, automotive, sports industry, among others.
- Has conducted training in the fight against piracy to officials of the Trademark and Customs Office.
- Obtained one of the first records of plant varieties: DANGYMPINI and DANGYPFIRM of Israel.
- Participated successfully in the first opposition process that was presented in Peru on product test data protection PROCLAIM
- Ex-coordinator of the Commercial Law Team and member of the Publications Committee and Board of Directors of the Civil Association "Law Workshop" of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
- Member of the Association of Graduates of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
- Lawyer by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
- Specialization Program in Consumer Protection of the Universidad del Pacifico.
- Specialization courses in Industrial Property and Copyright in the World Intellectual Property Organization.
- Courses in the Master of Law of Competition and Intellectual Property at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
- Specialization Courses in Industrial Property at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Spanish and English.