Edwin Carrasco is a specialist in Tenders and Public Concessions, Infrastructure and Administrative Law, with more than 14 years of experience in consulting, advising and promoting the participation of national and foreign companies in contracting with the Peruvian State, in the areas of goods, services and public infrastructure works; successfully develops sponsorship in procedures for the resolution of administrative disputes regarding hiring and sanctioning procedures before various supervisory entities of the State. He also has experience in advising national and foreign clients on corporate and real estate issues. Provides consulting to national and foreign companies in public infrastructure projects and promotion of private investment, as well as in the management of work teams for the execution of due diligence and evaluation of regulatory and compliance processes; in matters of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, he acts as compliance officer and has participated in various training courses of the FIU-SBS.
His activity is related to Corporate Law, Tenders and Public Procurement, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure and Private Public Associations, Administrative Law, Public Management (advice to public entities such as ESSALUD, OSIPTEL, SUNASS) and formulation of bills in Law Real Estate, Compliance and Dispute Resolution.
Spanish and English